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Brand Insights
Brand Tracking

The hidden layers of brand awareness: How you should be measuring aided awareness

Measuring brand awareness can seem pretty straightforward: you simply ask someone whether they know a brand. But the devil is in the detail and the exact question format can have a huge impact on the answer that you get.

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Imran Choudhary

VP Customer Success

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Brand Strategy

How Brands Can Start Leveraging Automation in 2023

With automation, startups and small businesses can take on corporations, prepare for crises, use resources sparsely, and get jobs done cost-effectively.

Lucy Manole Author Photo

Lucy Manole

Creative Content Writer & Strategist

Latana x Care/of [Thumbnail]
Brand Deep Dives

How Personalization & Consumer Insights Made Care/of A HealthTech Industry Leader

Care/of has managed to make its mark as a healthcare tech brand in just under 6 years — so what can other brands learn from their story? Find out here.

Cory Profile Picture

Cory Schröder

Senior Content Marketing Manager

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Brand Awareness

5 Ways Companies Are Utilizing AI in Digital Marketing to Enhance Customer Experience

AI has been pushing boundaries for years now in all fields, including the digital marketing space. Let's look at a few ways AI is used to enhance customer experience.

Latana Logo Author Photo

Eva Bouchard

Content Writer

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Brand Marketing
Brand Sustainability

Can AR Save Brick and Mortar Stores in 2023?

Over half of US consumers prefer to shop online. Can augmented reality help attract shoppers to physical stores?

Marilyn Wilkinson Prof Pic

Marilyn Wilkinson

Digital Marketing Expert