Millions of Voices in One Single Place

We use the latest in global ad-tech infrastructure to reach over 6 billion smartphone users globally.

Map with purple squares
Find the People
That Matter Most
For Your Brand

Our advanced brand tracking techniques guarantee reliable data and deeper insights for our users.

Our MRP algorithm learns over time ensuring reliable and precise results that help brands make better decisions. Feel safe tracking your brand's progress knowing our methodologies produces lower margins of error and quality insights that are more closely aligned to real-world changes. MRP-treated data smoothes outliers in survey data over time and unlocks reliable audience segmentation so you can monitor the most important target audiences for your brand.

How We Collect Insights For Your Brand

Mobile Optimized Surveys

Neglecting to optimize surveys for respondent's convenience can result in sub-par data collection and potentially even poor data quality. Ensuring the survey design is applicable for mobile devices not only ensures a wider reach of respondent but also reduces risk of respondent fatigue or frustration, both of which in turn can lead to higher abandonment rates or even dishonest answering. Latana surveys are optimized for mobile, with a focus on reliable and effective data collection.

How Mobile-Optimized Brand Surveys Can Help You Better Understand the Effectiveness of Your Brand Activity

We use the latest technology and research trends to ensure brands can reach the target audiences that will drive them forward.

Regular Insights

Our surveys work better in collecting frequent data thanks to their mobile-optimized capabilities, meaning you access more respondents for your brand surveys in a faster time frame.

Illustration with mobiles - have you heard of the following brand
Illustration with mobiles - have you heard of the following brand

Engaging User Experience

A clear and intuitive user experience means respondents are far more likely to pay closer attention to their answers than those who feel frustrated and fatigued.

Mobiles headspace-emma
Mobiles headspace-emma

Progressive Survey Design

Optimized question wording and survey flow allow for maximum information capture with minimum respondent confusion or effort.

Ilustration with mobiles - how are you feeling today
Ilustration with mobiles - how are you feeling today

How Latana's Mobile-Optimized Brand Surveys Differ From the Rest

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Survey Questions With Siloed Brands

For certain KPIs, we present respondents with siloed brands and single format "no/not sure/yes" response to greatly increase attention rates and ensure an accurate and unbiased response. For other KPIs that require a brand list format, we control for the number of brands that appear to respondents to reduce any risk of bias. The increased engagement, ease of intuitive button design and elimination of bias from long and changing brand lists ensures quality of data here.

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Authentic Information Capture

Our mobile-optimized brand surveys provide highly intuitive designs and clear instructions, making it easier for respondents to move through the questions quickly and provide totally accurate and authentic responses. This method removes ambiguous and untrustworthy data from our collection.

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Intuitive Mobile Design

We use large and concise text to ensure surveys are clear and easy to read for mobile users. Touch tapping and swiping are used as efficient means of response capture. These options will also easily translate back to a desktop version to avoid alienating device options and will ensure consistency in results.

How Mobile Optimized Surveys
Bring Better Brand Tracking Insights

Download our latest whitepaper to go deeper into how we use mobile-optimized brand surveys to ensure better quality and more accurate data.

Image of mobile phones

Global Ad-tech Infrastructure

Tap into the Global Ad-Tech Infrastructure to Access Billions of Opinions

Move beyond the finite audience pools of incentivised research to access billions of casual, on-the-go opinions. The global ad-tech infrastructure provides access to over 6 billion smartphone users globally. Latana has partnered with DSP providers to advertise our brand surveys via thousands of apps and websites to reach truly organic and casual audiences. This enhances our ability to reach the right audience for you with high speed, high accuracy and high reliability

Access Granular-Level Audiences Through Regional Targeting

DSP use of mobile geo location data allows for high-accuracy regional targeting of audiences. Generating reliable data on smaller target groups (such as cities) can be greatly unreliable if conducted in a traditional sense using finite panel-based and quota-sampling techniques. By partnering with DSP-providers, Latana has not only expanded respondent reach exponentially but also added the ability to target respondents in cities with a population of over 500k too.

Increase the Accuracy and Authenticity of Your Insights

Data collection focused on real-time and highly authentic insights from a sample of non-incentivised opt-in users. In order to retain insights from casual survey takers who are not rewarded for their participation, we structure data collection by individual question with easy opt-in and opt-out logic to eliminate any chance of bias. We then apply Bayesian statistical techniques to question-level data to turn these individual responses into meaningful brand insights with a much higher level of authenticity, representativity and reliability.

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