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Discover Which Audiences are Driving Etsy's Success

With over 35 million active buyers and 2 million sellers,
 Etsy dominates the handmade product market. Even when compared to competitors such as Amazon Handmade or IndieMade, Etsy still reigns as the eCommerce champion of vintage and handmade goods. Offering over 160 product categories, Etsy allows artisans to easily sell unique, one-of-a-kind items.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Etsy's shares have more than quadrupled, with experts surmising that the closed-off state of the world gave one-time users a reason to become frequent customers. But who are these customers we speak of? Download our Brand Bite to find out!

What's inside?

Sample Size

1000 respondents via mobile surveys.

Audience Segmentation

Respondents segmented by age, gender, 
and education level.

Geo Focus

Focus on the United States, with respondents selected randomly from multiple states.

Results Sneak Peek

Females aged 36-45 show the highest brand preference for Etsy at 20%